


Based in Baltimore, MD, Spiritual Psychic Readings By Anna also assists local clients with horoscopes, incorporating astrology into our extensive spiritual services. While we specialize in tarot readings and personal counseling, we also have extensive knowledge when it comes to the impact of astrological signs on your life. Whether you have specific questions or require us to explore your sign more in-depth, our company is always happy to help you better understand how the planets and your birth month directly impact your personality and destiny.

Our Services

Petr sidorov d3szbcaemhq unsplash
Tarot Readings

Tarot Readings

Dan farrell qaynp9ccw9e unsplash (1)
Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing

Sasha freemind frq5q6ne9k4 unsplash (1)
Personal Counseling

Personal Counseling

Shreyas shah ka speuu7w4 unsplash (1)
Palm Reading

Palm Reading

Astrology 993127 1920 (1)
